Below is the official Cabal Narrative

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“The Fall of the Cabal” is a conspiracy theory that emerged in various online communities and alternative media outlets. It revolves around the idea of a secretive, global elite group known as the “cabal” or “deep state” that allegedly controls world events and manipulates governments, financial systems, and the media to maintain their power and influence.

The conspiracy theory often includes elements of satanic rituals, child trafficking, mind control, and other extreme claims about the cabal’s activities. It gained significant attention and spread widely on social media platforms and online forums.

It is important to note that there is no credible evidence supporting the existence of such a cabal or their involvement in the alleged activities described in the conspiracy theory. The fall of the cabal narrative is considered a baseless and debunked theory by mainstream media, fact-checking organizations, and experts in various fields.

Conspiracy theories like “The Fall of the Cabal” can be harmful as they can fuel misinformation, lead to fear and division, and undermine trust in legitimate institutions and sources of information. It is crucial to approach such claims critically, fact-check information, and rely on credible sources when seeking to understand complex global issues.